Daily Calorie Calculator

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The calculator is fully functional, so if you want to use it yourself, go ahead. Please note it can't replace a professional medical advice! If you are planning an aggressive weight loss diet, better consult a doctor. The results of your calculations are for illustrative purposes and are approximate


Enter the following data

Your gender
Your height
Your weight
Your age years
Your activity
Automatic recalculation   
Basal Metabolic Rate
A. Requirements to maintain current weight
Calories cal
Carbohydrates (55%) cal = gm
Proteins (15%) cal = gm
Fats (30%) cal = gm
B. Requirements to lose weight by  per week *
Calories cal
Carbohydrates (55%) cal = gm
Proteins (15%) cal = gm
Fats (30%) cal = gm
C. Requirements to gain weight by  per week
Calories cal
Carbohydrates (55%) cal = gm
Proteins (15%) cal = gm
Fats (30%) cal = gm
*To lose weight, 500 calories are subtracted per day for each pound you want to lose every week. To gain weight, 500 calories are added per day for each pound you want to gain every week. However, total calorie levels < 1200 calories are not recommended and weight loss of > 2 pounds per week is also not recommended.

For a more balanced approach to a 1 pound per week weight loss, increase your activity. Decrease calorie intake by 250 calories per day and exercising to expend (use up) the other 250 calories. This approach prevents a decrease in your metabolic rate and promotes increased lean muscle mass.